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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Minnie at the Bark Cafe

Minnie and her new friends

Well you guys have received quite a bit of updates on Jonah and I since arriving to the island, but for those of you who are curious about Minnie, rest assured she is still the center of attention in the Warren household. She is so funny, she has developed a new trick of bringing me a toy to throw and then backing off, sitting down and growling at me until I throw her toy. The worst part is that obviously she doesn't get in trouble because the growl/whine is WAY too cute. She also likes to bring a toy up on the bed when I'm reading at night, and because it's only fun to play with the toy on the edge of the bed, she'll eventually drop it and then stare at the toy growling until I lean over and retrieve the toy for her. Sigh. She also enjoys tipping the trash can over in the kitchen, a new trick that is worth the punishment every time.

So, a couple of weeks ago I met some of my friends at a place called "Bark Cafe." I was expecting to sit outside with the dogs, but this cafe actually lets you bring your dogs inside. The corners of the room have hooks mounted to the floor where you can attach your dog's leash so that they can roam about.

Minnie & Jasmine
They have a menu of dog foods and human foods. I had ginger pork and Minnie split some muffins with her friends, Jasmine and Loki. There were dog bowls with water available as well.
Jasmine & Loki
The dogs had a really good time and we did too! The cafe was very cute, as most things in Japan are.
Minnie browsing the store

Minnie did some shopping but was unfortunately turned down by her mean, cheap owner. She was however, with the help of good friends, able to have a few bites of their tasty purchases.

Lots of good smells
The cafe owner took the dogs' pictures and now they are famous in all of, well... a little street in Okinawa. But posted on the wall of fame is their group shot, which looks something like this...

The humans took a group picture as well...

All in all Minnie had a wonderful lunch date with her friends and is happy to be an Okinawan dog : )
Greetings from Minnie!

Everyone have a great weekend!
We love you guys!

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