BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

10,000 Eisa Dancers Parade in Naha

Kokusai Street

 Hi guys! I'm sorry this post is a little late this week! I wanted to share some pictures with ya'll of a festival Jonah and I went to on Kokusai Street last weekend. People of all ages participate in this festival which progresses like a parade down the street.   

It was so hot that day, but that didn't stop all the kids from dancing in their Ryukyu Kingdom costumes and knotted turbans. The Eisa folk dance has Buddhist roots, historically marking the end of Obon, where the dancers would dance and chant to honor the dead. It is now a Japanese tradition, but the bright costumes and different types of drums used for the rhythm are distinctly Okinawan.

My adventurous friends Leslie and Julia
This was my favorite dance. These guys were all ninja-like and were really fun to watch.
Hope you enjoyed! See you next week!!

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