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Friday, July 9, 2010

A quirky and charming little island

I feel like my blog thus far has been a checklist of things to do in Okinawa but I will start expanding into different topics in the future, like more Japanese language lessons, recipes and culture. I also want to personalize the blog with what's going on with the Warren family below the surface- basically whatever God's showing us at the moment. This week I'm going to veer of my usual post of some attraction review and just give you some glimpses of Okinawa's quirky and charming personality.

Maybe today's topic will be the first in a series because there are A LOT of unusual, cute things about Okinawa, some that I'm still learning about so I'll keep you updated!

  • Quirkiness #1- Toliets
Toliets are very adventurous here in Okinawa. On the one hand, you've got a very simple, foreign design that causes American ladies to wait longer in line in hopes of there being atleast one western toliet in the female bathroom. These are what I'll refer to as "squatters," insert exhibit A:

On the other hand, some places have "smart toliets." I wish I had a picture of one, I will put one up soon. But basically they just look like regular toliets with a panel beside them with buttons where you can adjust the seat temperature (yes, warm toliets), shower yourself (funny story on that...) and even add noise for that wonderful Japanese politeness, which by the way is the sound of birds chirping. I do have a picture of the panel of the toliet, insert exhibit B:

  • Quirkiness #2- Unusual Food Pairings
Unusual food pairings exist in Okinawa. I guess the stereotypes that surround these food types just don't exist to Okinawans because they will group the "American" foods together. Some of these pairings don't make sense and some of them just sound bad together. I've seen several restaurants pair tacos and pizza together. One burger joint I really like pairs burgers and coffee together. MOS burgers also have rice buns for their burgers as well. Here's a link to their menu... and about the fast-food chain:

  • Quirkiness #3- Pets in Hardware Stores
What about a hardware store that sells puppies and kittens?  That would be Make-Man Hardware store, also known as "the monkey store" for obvious reasons. This was so funny to me because my mom owns a hardware store and I was just imagining her installing a pet store inside of the store and the reactions she would get from that. Can you imagine the pet windows next to the plumbing department?

But while we're on this topic, I should also point out that pets on Okinawa cost a fortune!!! Dogs are usually around $1,000 and cats $600 and bunnies $250... yes, $250 bunnies.
Insert Jonah's proof:

 Well, that's it for today... more random glimpses into this funny little island soon! We love yall and have a good weekend!! : )

1 comment:

  1. So although I LOVE you usual posts... this one really caught my eye!
    Thanks for sharing the quirks of Okinawa!!

    I can't start to express how much you are missed!!

    Enjoy every day of your adventure! I can only imagine the amount of homesickness you must feel from time to time, but you are definitely taking the right direction to curb that feeling and truely appreciate where you are!

    Love you girl!
    Miss u!

