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Friday, June 25, 2010

Pizza In the Sky

Have you ever eaten corn on your pizza? In California I learned that avocado is good on everything: burgers, sushi, mexican food, salads, etc. Maybe corn on my pizza will become one of those things I'll take back to the states with me when I leave Okinawa.

The northern part of Okinawa is mostly rural, but there's some neat things up there. There's an aquarium that I've posted about before, a pineapple winery, this restaurant, an antiques store, Okuma Beach, etc. I'm still discovering new places everyday and I think it's safe to say that it might take me 3 full years to see all of the island. It's kind of exhausting to visit new places on the island. You google whatever crappy directions you can find in English to the place you are going, you follow landmarks instead of road signs to get there, you take in all the new sights and sounds, occasionally you luck up with someone who can speak English, you navigate aisles, menus and social customs as best you can, hope you don't offend anyone and if you're feeling brave you can throw some Japanese phrases you've learned out there and see what happens. One of my goals during Jonah's deployment is just to wonder around the island aimlessly with friends and stumble on some lesser known island treasures.
One treasure we've found together is called Pizza In the Sky.  It looks like a traditional Japanese home with a gorgeous view, but as you walk up the hill you realize it's a pizza place, Okinawan style pizza. The menu is pretty neat and there's only one type of pizza made each day. The day we went the feature was pizza with corn, sausage and green peppers. It was delish.  The picture above shows the indoor Japanese-style seating but there's also outdoor picnic-style seating, which is where we sat.

We ordered a large pizza, salad [the Japanese really know how to make good salad dressing!], and tea. I put this picture up for Monica because the cute pottery plate was in the shape of a heart : ) They serve sugar here in liquid form (instead of the packets) and the brown cubes are brown sugar. The tea came with a small bouquet of flowers; the presentation was really delightful.

Jonah and our friend Brett, chowing down. 

The view from the restuarant

To battle homesickness, one thing that works for us is to find our favorite things about a new place. So while we miss restaurants like Apollo Flame, Harbor Inn, J&S, etc. we can start a list of restaurants in Okinawa that we like that aren't at home. We'll be adding Pizza In the Sky to that list!

Have a good weekend everyone! We love and miss yall!

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